The Particle Therapy Cooperative Group - North America (PTCOG-NA) is the North American chapter of the international Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG). This non-profit professional society has been created in January 2013 to enhance collaboration between its members, create a platform for scientific exchange, and develop treatment guidelines, education, and training initiatives for particle therapy. The society will take steps towards establishing a particle therapy clinical trial collaborative group, as well as instituting representation in industrial technology, particle therapy innovations, involvement in health care politics (as it pertains to particle beam therapy), and improving relationships with other professional societies in radiation oncology.

PTCOG is an international non-profit organization comprised of physicians, physicists, biologists, engineers and dosimetrists interested in the therapeutic use of particle therapy. PTCOG was founded as a group of scientists in the U.S. in 1985. In 2007 PTCOG was established as an non-profit Association under the laws of Switzerland. The mission of PTCOG is to promote science, technology and practical clinical application of particle therapy, with the ultimate goal of improving treatment of cancer to the highest possible standards in radiation therapy.

PTCOG has the ownership of the International Journal of Particle Therapy.


Call for Expression of Interest to host the 2026 PTCOG-NA Annual Meeting! 

Deadline extended to the 3rd of February!

If you wish to apply for this please check the necessary documents here.


The PTCOG-NA Annual Meeting in 2025 will take place in Shreveport, Louisiana from 7th until 9th November.

More information to follow at a later date.


We are pleased to announce the election of Matthew D. Hall as the new President of PTCOG-NA. Following a successful election process, Matthew Hall will assume leadership effective after the election of the Treasurer position has been finished.

Application to become the PTCOG-NA Treasurer

To express your interest please send your CV and Expression of Interest to the email


PTCOG-NA Secretariat


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