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All oral presentations must be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation. Presenters are fully responsible for the presentation content (order, graphics, etc.).
To prepare your presentation, please use an up-to-date version of Microsoft PowerPoint (but older versions are also supported). The screens' aspect ratio will be 16:9. Please avoid using Apple Keynote and Prezi presentations. The on-site computers will only handle PowerPoint presentation format. Even on your Mac, you can Export to > PowerPoint. Please make sure your presentation is in a compatible format as indicated below.
Presentation: PPTX, PDF
Audio: WMA, MP3, WAV
When saving your final presentation on a USB flash disk, do not forget to make sure that you included your video or multimedia files (if any). External content should be embedded directly in the presentation.
Come to the lecture room shortly before the session starts and be ready when it is your turn to present to minimise wasted time. You should be in the lecture room prior to your appointed presentation time in case there are last-minute changes during the session (e.g. cancelled presentation before your talk).
Please do not come at the last minute with your own computer into the lecture room: you will NOT BE ABLE to connect it.
Please note that all presentations delivered during the conference may be published on the PTCOG association website for members. Publication depends on your authorization provided online. A separate form will be sent to you. If you need to make necessary changes before publication, please send your file separately to